Redeem Your Scholarship

The goal of the Oklahoma Youth Expo’s scholarship program is to help and encourage the youth of Oklahoma who participate in the OYE to continue their higher education pursuits.

How to Redeem Your Scholarship

Scholarship recipients must email a copy of their bursar’s statement or invoice (must be itemized), along with an unofficial transcript and class schedule to Kass Newell at or upload it to the link above. Funds will then be sent directly to the education institution. Oklahoma State University does not release their official bursar statement until September 1st for the fall semester and February 1st for the spring semester, please wait to request scholarship until you receive this official statement. 

OSU Students- How to obtain the correct bursar bill:

1. Login to myokstate

2. Scroll to the bottom and find the link that states OSU Stillwater/ Tulsa Bursar

3. On the homepage of the bursar account find the Statements box

4. Click the top view button in the statements box

5. This will take you to a screen where all of your statements per month are listed, please select view for the month you are requesting money for

6. Screenshot or download your bursar statement to email in. 

Eligibility to Receive Payment from Scholarship Program

Scholarship recipients must maintain a 2.5 grade point average (GPA). Scholarship program funds (with the exception of certain college or university specific scholarships) shall be used by the recipient to assist in the payment of tuition, fees, required manuals and books, associated with the recipient’s enrollment in a qualified educational institution. For purposes of the scholarship program, a qualified educational institution shall be defined as an Oklahoma education institution that provides an educational program that is acceptable for full credit towards a bachelor’s or higher degree, or offers a program of training to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation. The educational institution must also be authorized under federal or state law to provide such a program and be accredited by a nationally recognized accreditation agency.

Method of Payment

Scholarship program payments will be payable directly to the recipient’s educational institution upon proof of enrollment, proof of payment due and request of the student. It shall be incumbent upon the recipient to provide proof of enrollment and request payment from the OYE through a bursar’s statement or invoice which shows an amount owed to the educational institution. The amount of the scholarship program payment which is payable at any one time shall be divided into appropriate increments which will be determined by the OYE Board of Directors at the time of eligibility for distribution. Oklahoma Youth Expo will distribute up to and not exceed $2,500 per semester.

Earnings on Scholarship Program Amounts

The funds allocated to the general scholarship program shall be deposited in an account designated for the scholarship program. The funds allocated to the recipient may or may not be segregated at the discretion of OYE. Interest earned on or attributable to the funds allocated to the recipient, will be credited towards the general scholarship fund to be redistributed as additional awards to the eligible population.


The recipient shall submit a report of courses and grades received in the academic period for which a scholarship program payment is provided, and it must be verified by the educational institution attended by the recipient. Scholarship recipient will maintain a 2.5 grade point average (GPA). If the recipient’s course of study does not involve taking courses, the OYE Board of Directors must receive a brief progress report at least once a year. Such reports must be approved by the faculty members supervising the recipient. Any further scholarship payment to a recipient shall be withheld if the OYE Board of Directors has not received the report.


Recipients must complete their education at the qualified educational institution of their choice on or before their twenty-third birthday or the remaining portion of their scholarship program payments will be forfeited. Forfeited amounts shall be paid into the general scholarship fund to be awarded as determined by the OYE Board of Directors.
Any violation of the rules and regulations of the Oklahoma Youth Exposition, which result in the exhibitor or the exhibitor’s animal being disqualified or barred from participation at the show, will automatically result in a forfeiture of the right to any scholarship program payments. Forfeited amounts shall be paid into the general scholarship fund to be awarded as determined by the OYE Board of Directors.

Board Powers and Duties

The OYE Board of Directors shall have such powers and duties as may be necessary to administer the scholarship program and this policy including, but not by way of limitation, the following:
A. To construe and interpret the policy in its sole and absolute discretion;
B. To prescribe procedures to be followed in administering the policy;
C. To prepare and distribute in such manner as the OYE Board of Directors deems appropriate, information explaining the policy;
D. To establish any trusts or other instruments necessary to the administration of the scholarship program.

Right to Amend or Terminate Policy

Oklahoma Youth Expo expressly reserves the right to amend or terminate this policy in whole or part at any time. In the event of termination of this policy or the scholarship program, the OYE Board of Directors may elect to disburse all accrued amounts to the recipients in accordance with their current account amounts or to pay out the funds to the recipients in accordance with this policy.


The OYE Board of Directors shall comply with all federal and state laws and regulations respecting the reporting, withholding, deposit and payment of any income or other taxes related to any payments made underneath this policy.

Restrictions on Alienation

No right or benefit under this policy shall be subject to transfer, alienation, sale, assignment, pledge, encumbrance or charge, and any attempt to transfer, alienate, sell, assign, pledge, encumber or charge, the same shall be void. No right or benefit hereunder shall in any manner be liable for, or subject to, the debts, contracts, liabilities or torts of the recipient entitled to such benefit.

Laws of Oklahoma to Govern

The provision of this policy shall be construed, administered and enforced according to the laws of the State of Oklahoma.