
For more information about all OYE showmanship contests, please view our rulebook.

Sheep Showmanship

All sheep exhibitors are eligible to complete in showmanship as long as they have a sheep entry. Exhibitors will show by age, for example, all 9 year olds will show together, all 11 year olds will show together and so on. There is no need to enter into showmanship.

Goat Showmanship

All goat exhibitors are eligible to complete in showmanship as long as they have a goat entry. Exhibitors will show by age, for example, all 9 year olds will show together, all 11 year olds will show together and so on. There is no need to enter into showmanship.

Cattle Showmanship

All cattle exhibitors are eligible to compete in the LNC Showmanship Showdown on Friday, March 14. Steer exhibitors are allowed to compete by borrowing a heifer from a fellow exhibitor.

Swine Showmanship

There will no longer be a county qualifying hog showmanship contest at OYE. Exhibitors will be selected as showmanship winners in each class of the gilt and barrow show at OYE.