
Online Nomination Link

Link will be live after the first nomination distribution date. Exhibitors must first submit an online nomination prior to the mailing of the nomination kit or the nomination will not be accepted.

Online Nomination Information


Commercial ewes, market lambs, market steers, all goats and all hogs must nominate to be eligible to show at the 2025 Oklahoma Youth Expo.

ALL Heifers and Breeding Ewes DO NOT NOMINATE, they only go through entries.

Nomination Envelopes

Click below for a nomination envelope (PDF):

Nomination Distribution Dates

October 15, 2024 – Goats, Sheep, Steers, Hogs Available

Location: Oklahoma State University – Stillwater, OK at State Greenhand Quiz
An OYE representative will be available during contest hours.

October 30, 2024 – Goats, Sheep, Steers, Hogs Available

Location: Totusek Arena – Stillwater, OK
An OYE representative will be available from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


November 5, 2024 – Goats, Sheep, Steers, Hogs Available

Atoka at Kiamichi CareerTech Center (1763 W Liberty Rd, Atoka, OK 74525)
Lawton at Comanche County Fairgrounds (920 SW Sheridan Rd, Lawton, OK 73505)
Tulsa at Tulsa Co. Extension Office (4116 East 15th Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112)
An OYE representative will be available from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

November 21, 2024 – Nomination Kit Distribution for Hogs

Enid at Garfield County Extension Office
(316 E Oxford, Enid, OK 73701)
Atoka at Kiamichi CareerTech Center
(1763 W Liberty Rd, Atoka, OK 74525)
Lawton at Comanche County Fairgrounds
(920 SW Sheridan Rd, Lawton, OK 73505)
Tulsa at Tulsa Co. Extension Office
(4116 East 15th Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112)

An OYE representative will be available from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Completed sheep, goat, and steer kits can be delivered to these sites. If you are unable to do so, kits must still be postmarked by this date.

Nomination Deadlines

November 21, 2024

Breeding Does, Commercial Breeding Ewes, Market Goats, Market Lambs, Market Steers, Wether Dam Breeding Does

December 5, 2024

ALL Swine


Nomination kits are $20.00 per kit for all species.
Payment is due when you pick up your nomination kit.
If you wish to have your kits mailed to you, there is a $50.00 shipping and handling fee. There are no additional charges to pick up your kits at a distribution site or at the OYE office.

Please note: No personal checks will be accepted.

2025 Tag Colors

Goats: Blue
Sheep: Yellow
Steers: Pink
Swine: Orange

Nomination Instructions

Please carefully read the instructions below!

Step 1

Pick up your nomination kits from a distribution site, OYE office or by mail.

Step 2

After receiving your nomination kits, complete the envelope form and perform the requirements for each species listed below. NOTE: You will need one envelope per animal. In order to properly nominate an animal for OYE, the following is required to be sent in to the OYE office:


  • Hair DNA sample (pulled from tail switch)
  • Completed form on nomination envelope
  • Three photos of Angus, Hereford and Shorthorn (head shot, show side profile and non-show side profile – all with the exhibitor)
  • Two photos of all other breeds (head shot and show side profile – all with the exhibitor) Submitted ONLINE
  • Completed online nomination form with photos submitted online


  • Hair DNA sample (pulled from legs)
  • Completed form on nomination envelope
  • Completed online nomination form


  • Hair DNA sample (pulled from legs)
  • Completed form on nomination envelope
  • Completed online nomination form


  • Hair DNA sample (pulled from tail, legs or back of neck)
  • Completed form on nomination envelope
  • Completed online nomination form
Step 3

Next, place the hair sample inside of the provided plastic bag, seal the bag shut, and write the animal’s OYE tag number on the outside of the bag. Place the bag of hair (DNA) sample inside of the nomination envelope and seal it. Place the bag of hair (DNA) sample inside of the nomination envelope and seal it.

Step 4

Lastly, mail or deliver the completed nomination kit to the OYE office on or before the deadline date.

NOTE: Do not attempt to mail the nomination envelope itself. You must place all nomination envelopes inside of a mailing envelope or box prior to shipping.

OYE highly recommends obtaining a tracking number before mailing.